
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Back from the dead, and playing games!
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Steve and Paul get together for a little GOTN revival and talk about some hobby and about Steve's recent foray into the world of competitive 40k!

Monday Dec 02, 2019
Guilds of the North Episode 23 - New cards, new tricks
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Hello geeks,
Welcome back to Guilds of the North, our Guild Ball spin-off. In this episode, Steve and Kevin talk about the new set of cards for the game plan deck.
Sit back, relax, grab a paintbrush and enjoy the show.
We're part of the United Geeks Network. Check out their other great shows!
Outro music by La Drave.
- The Geeks

Monday Nov 18, 2019
Guilds of the North Episode 22 - Rambling and catching up
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Hello geeks,
Welcome back to Guilds of the North, our Guild Ball spin-off. In this episode Steve and Kevin do some catching up and talk about what they've been playing lately. Steve also does a quick recap of 2 events he attended recently.
Sit back, relax, grab a paintbrush and enjoy the show.
We're part of the United Geeks Network. Check out their other great shows!
Outro music by La Drave.
- The Geeks

Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Geeks of the North Episode 89 - Making hobby wishlists
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Hello geeks,
This week, we briefly chat about the partial results from the game showcase poll, and then have a longer talk about hobby Christmas listing, or how to get your significant other/families to buy you minis. We also talk about the Scott Pilgrim Miniatures the World kickstarter by Renegade Game Studios, and the Uncharted Realms of the Abyss kickstarter by Antimatter Games.
So sit back, relax, grab a paintbrush and enjoy the show!
Game Showcase Poll
The poll on Surveymonkey
[Renegade Game Studios] Scott Pilgrim Miniatures the World - Relaunch!
[AntiMatter Games] Uncharted Realms of the Abyss
We're part of the United Geeks Network. Check out their other great shows!
Intro music is Aggressor by Free Stock Music.
Breaks and outro music by La Drave.
- The Geeks

Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Geeks of the North Episode 88 - Game showcase brainstorm
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Hello geeks,
This week, we brainstorm our upcoming game showcase format. Look at our poll to pick the first game in that serie. We also talk about the plinths Kickstarter by Frozen Ninja 3D, the Sugar Realms Kickstarter by Axolote Gaming, and the Dyniaq with Crossbow by Spellcrow.
So sit back, relax, grab a paintbrush and enjoy the show!
Game showcase
The poll
News links
[Frozen Ninja 3D] Plinths & Display Stands for Figures, Miniatures, & Busts!
[Axolote Gaming] Sugar Realms: Candy Golem STL files and a new 5e race
[Spellcrow] Dyniaq with Crossbow
We're part of the United Geeks Network. Check out their other great shows!
Intro music is Aggressor by Free Stock Music.
Breaks and outro music by La Drave.
- The Geeks

Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Geeks of the North Episode 87 - Fan made apps
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Hello geeks,
This week, we talk about fan made game apps, their benefits and drawbacks. We then sneak some teasers about the list of games we want to showcase in the next few months. We also talk about the 3d printable Kickstarter by Rogue Sculpts, the Relicblade 2.0 pre-order by Metak King Studio, the Hyperborea Kickstarter by Aradia Miniatures, and the latest Burrows and Badgers Kickstarter by Oathsworn Miniatures.
So sit back, relax, grab a paintbrush and enjoy the show!
[Rogue Sculpts] 3D Printable Modular Base for Tabletop Wargaming 28mm Scale
[Metal King Studio] Relicblade 2nd edition pre-order
[Aradia Miniatures] Hyperborea: The Awakening
[Oathsworn Miniatures] Burrows & Badgers: Great & Small anthro minis
We're part of the United Geeks Network. Check out their other great shows!
Intro music is Aggressor by Free Stock Music.
Breaks and outro music by La Drave.
- The Geeks

Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Geeks of the North Episode 86 - Skirmish games
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Hello geeks,
This week, we talk about low model count games, often called skirmish games. What they are, their advantages, what we like about them, etc. We also talk about two models by Blacksmith Miniatures, the Ferret and the Little Master Mice, and about the Agents of Oz for Twisted by Demented Games.
So sit back, relax, grab a paintbrush and enjoy the show!
[Blacksmith Miniatures] Ferret
[Blacksmith Miniatures] Little Master Mice
[Demented Games] Agents of Oz
We're part of the United Geeks Network. Check out their other great shows!
Intro music is Aggressor by Free Stock Music.
Breaks and outro music by La Drave.
- The Geeks

Friday Oct 11, 2019
Geeks of the North Episode 85 - We don't need no stinking topic!
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Hello geeks,
We are back after a short hiatus, and we have a lot of hobby and gaming banter. We also talk about the Atom City kickstarter by M3Studios, the Halfling Treemen by Warlord Games, the second edition kickstarter of ArcWorlde by Warploque Minitatures, and the Baron Münchhausen bust by Art Miniatures.
So sit back, relax, grab a paintbrush and enjoy the show!
[M3Studios] Welcome to Atom City - The Atompunk printable terrain set
[Warlord Games] Halfling Treemen
[Warploque Miniatures] ArcWorlde: Second Edition
[Art Miniatures] Baron Münchhausen
We're part of the United Geeks Network. Check out their other great shows!
Intro music is Aggressor by Free Stock Music.
Breaks and outro music by La Drave.
- The Geeks

Friday Sep 13, 2019
Guilds of the North Episode 21 - Tournament Recap
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Hello geeks,
Welcome to the 21st episode of Guilds of the North, our Guild Ball spin-off. In this show, we chat about our recent tournament experience, and the announcements made at the NovaOpen keynote. We are joined by Kevin Stewart as a co-host for this discussion.
Sit back, relax, grab a paintbrush and discover it in the show!
We're part of the United Geeks Network. Check out their other great shows!
Outro music by La Drave.
- The Geeks

Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Geeks of the North Episode 84 - Fall ramble
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Hello geeks,
This week, we have a post event and holiday show, so no main topic and a lot of rambling hobby chat. We also talk about the Zhontain’s Juice Bar for Anyaral, the Wightwood Abbey RPG setting by Infinite Dimensions, and the 3d print files for Antoine's Casanii dwelling produced by Rogue Sculpts.
So sit back, relax, grab a paintbrush and enjoy the show!
[Anyaral: The World Of Twilight] Zhontain’s Juice Bar
[Infinite Dimensions] ‘A Light on the Dark Frontier’ – Wightwood Abbey Setting & Lore
[Rogue Sculpts] Fantasy Village Houses, based on Antoine’s Casanii dwelling
We're part of the United Geeks Network. Check out their other great shows!
Intro music is Aggressor by Free Stock Music.
Breaks and outro music by La Drave.
- The Geeks